How to Fluff up your Carpet


Do you have a carpet lying around for years that has lost its touch and looks worn out? Or a relatively newer carpet that has dents due to furniture that's been sitting on it for a while? Continue reading this article to find out how you can fluff out your scruffy, dented carpet and make it look the same as what it was the day you bought it.

Method One: Spraying a Vinegar Mixture

Step 1

Make a mixture using equal amounts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle that is completely clean from any other chemicals or residue of previous solutions from the bottle. Spray the area of the carpet that has those dents you are trying to get rid of. Make sure the dented area is only damp and not fully drenched with the mixture.

Step 2

You should leave the mixture in for around 10- 30 minutes depending on how big and deep the dents are in your carpet. One point you must keep in mind is that there are high chances the area you sprayed the mixture with might come out cleaner than the rest of the carpet. This is because of the acidic nature of vinegar that can dissolve mineral deposits, dirt, grime, and kill bacteria.

Step 3

Take a clean white towel and blot the dented area that was sprayed with the mixture. Do not press the towel against the carpet too hard or else you will end up creating further impressions. Only use a white towel, otherwise by using coloured towels, the colour of the towel might stain your carpet.

Step 4

This step requires you to use a spoon against your carpet. Hold the spoon at an angle where the edge is rubbing against the dented area. By scraping the spoon in straight lines, you cause the fibers of the carpet to stand up again. A few tips to remember are that if a spoon does not get the job done, use a fork or any other object with non-metal bristles.

Step 5

Before placing your furniture back or walking over the carpet, wait for it to fully dry up. Otherwise, if you step on the dented area while it is still wet, you’ll crush and flatten all the fibers that you spent your effort in standing them up.

Method Two: Using Ice Cubes

Step 1

Place the ice cubes on the dents in the carpet. If it is a small dent, only one ice cube is needed, however, if the impression is larger you can place more than one ice cube.

Step 2

In this step, you do not have to do much but wait. The ice cubes should completely melt on the dented area before you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3

Use a clean white towel to dry off the water and make sure you press gently so you do not further dent the carpet.

Step 4

By using either your fingers, spoon, or fork, brush the fibers of the carpet so they become fluffy again. Then wait for the carpet to fully dry before stepping on it or placing furniture.

Method Three: The use of an Iron

Step 1

Take a small towel or a washcloth and wet it with warm water. Once the towel is wet place it over the dented area in the carpet that you want to fluff out.

Step 2

Put your iron on medium heat and place it a few inches above the wet towel. Move the iron in a circular motion for around 30 to 60 seconds.


Step 3

Once you have completed the second step, remove the towel from the carpet and use your fingers to brush and fluff the carpet fibers. Be careful not to burn yourself during this whole method.

Method Four: Blow dry your Carpet

Step 1

Grab yourself a clean and empty spray bottle and fill it up with warm water. Do not fill the spray bottle with very hot water as that can damage the carpet. Spray the surface area of the carpet where the dents are present. Make sure the area is damp but not fully soaked as that can damage the carpet in the long run.

Step 2

Grab your blow dryer and use that to blow warm heat over the wet patch six inches above the carpet. Make sure that your blow dryer setting is on its lowest as a high temperature will burn the fibers of the carpet.

Step 3

Once the carpet is almost fully dry, use your fingers to fluff out the dent. If your fingers are not playing a good role in fluffing the carpet, you can also use a brush that has soft bristles to brush out the fibers.

In addition to the steps outlined above, ensure your carpets are cleaned regularly by Pro Carpet Cleaners Luton so that your carpets will look vibrant all year round!

About the author 

Saul Jones

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