How To Get Allergens Out Of Carpets


Carpets have been a staple for home décor for centuries. Not only do they look great and ‘finish’ a room, but they also feel great underfoot giving a silky luxurious feeling. Unfortunately, if not maintained properly, carpets are also great collectors of allergens and bacteria such as pet dander, dust, mildew, mold, dust mites and many others. These allergens can be harmful to people with allergies and can make homelife a torture instead of enjoying home comforts. Fortunately, there are a number of relatively easy and inexpensive steps you can take to keep your carpets allergen and your home free as possible.

The most efficient way to keep your carpets relatively allergen free is to keep them clean with an ongoing regular cleaning process. This will avoid the accumulation of excessive dirt and allergen particles in your carpets.

The more often you clean, the lower the allergen levels will be. In addition to regular cleaning, what you need to do is find a way of cleaning and maintaining your carpets without letting lose the allergen particles.

Fortunately, there are a number of cleaning options available and not all of them are super heavy on your pocket.


The most commonly used method for cleaning carpets is dry vacuuming. While this works effectively enough for most people, it can create a nightmare for allergy sufferers. In sucking up the dirt and allergens from your carpets, vacuuming also frees up microscopic particles into the air. These microscopic particles can set off allergies and make life miserable for allergy sufferers.

Probably the most effective way to avoid the freeing up of allergen particles is to use a vacuum with an efficient filtration system. Dust mites and other allergens can be removed from the air by using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which remove over 99.97 percent of particles larger than 0.3 microns.

Unfortunately, not all HEPA filters are made equal. You should really avoid the cheaper brands as the seals are unlikely to be good enough or are likely to degrade over a short period of time. Look for vacuums that have true HEPA filters and which are certified to 0.3 microns or less. Otherwise, they will be relatively inefficient for allergen removal. It is important to follow the manufacturers instruction to gain optimal results. Most of all be sure to empty out the accumulated dirt regularly. Also look for vacuum cleaners that have test results for allergen removal. These are probably more expensive but are likely to be more effective for the purpose.

Steam Cleaning

Using steam cleaning to clean your carpet is a very effective method of removing allergens. The approach employs steam at a temperature of around 221 degrees, which is too hot for allergens or micro-organisms to survive. The steam will also assist to loosen dirt and other debris from deep within your carpet.

If you are doing this yourself, be sure not to get your carpet too wet. The carpet should be able to dry out in a relatively short period of time. If it stays wet or damp too long you could create another problem for yourself in the form of mold and mildew. Also, allergen prefer damp conditions, so you could end up actually increasing allergen levels. To shorten the drying period, be sure that the room is well ventilated.

Clean Stains

If you have dogs or children in your house, your carpet is more susceptible to stains caused by urine, spilt drinks, and other sources of contamination. If spillages are allowed to remain on your carpet, they will not only detract from the aesthetic of your carpet, but they will also serve as a perfect breeding ground for germs and allergens. To keep your carpets as allergen free as possible, it is essential to deal with the stains as quickly as possible. This will not only minimise the allergen levels but will also make the stain removal process easier.

An effective method for getting rid of such spillages and stains is to use a spot cleaning solution. There are many different DIY solutions available to deal with different types of carpet stains. Select the method that best suits the type of stains that you have to deal with.


Apply Professional Cleaning Products

There are many cleaning products available that specialise in allergen removal from carpets. Unfortunately, most of these products have chemicals in them some of which are hazardous. If you go for this option, you will need to read the ingredients list carefully to be sure that you are not allergic to any of the chemicals. Be sure to test out the product on a small obscure area of your carpet to be certain the product is not going to cause any damage. Due to the presence of chemicals, it is essential that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions precisely.

Call In The Professionals

Employ the services of a professional cleaning firm at least once or twice a year. Most carpet cleaners have their own specialized methods and equipment to deal with allergens. And they can also get rid of stains such as paint, drink spills, etc as well. Yes, it can be an expensive option, but it will be worth it if you or your family members are free of allergens and you can fully enjoy your home. Hire one of our carpet cleaning professionals in Luton, if you happen to be looking for a carpet cleaner in that area.

Other Tips

You can complement your carpet cleaning regime, with some of the following tips. They may not eliminate allergens, but they will certainly assist to reduce them:

•        Leave your shoes at the front door: Every time you step into your house wearing your outside shoes, you may be bringing pet hair, mildew, insects, dust, mud particles and other allergens with you.

•        Do not allow your carpets to get wet: If you drop anything on your carpets, immediately lay a towel or paper towel over the spill and place an item on the towel to ensure that all of the liquid is absorbed. This will also aid in the prevention of mold growth beneath the carpet.

•        Protect the quality of your indoor air: Use an air purifier or air cleaner with a HEPA filter, especially in bedrooms.

•        Reduce moisture levels: Allergens love moist habitats. If the moisture levels in any part of your home are greater than 50%, you should consider using a dehumidifier to keep mold and mildew at bay.

•        Brush your pets: You should brush down your indoor pets regularly, preferably outside. This will assist to keep pet dander to a minimal level.

Final Thoughts

There is no one magic solution to allergens. The single most effective way to keep your home allergen free as possible is regular cleaning using methods that best suit your home and your lifestyle. What works for you will be different from what works for others. While they may be similar to allergies suffered by others, your allergies are pretty much unique to you. Experiment with the possible solutions suggested and see what works for you.

About the author 

Saul Jones

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